Fall in love with meditation

September 14, 2017

How many times do you dwell on one negative thought that happens to you instead of all of the positive things in your life?

Do you feel overwhelmed and stress with all the things you have to do in one day?  You know the feeling when you are constantly on the go because of our super busy lifestyle. 

Do you find yourself unhappy, anxious, depressed or angry a lot? 

Do you feel like it’s not enough time in the day to get everything done?

If you were thinking YES, That’s Me to any of those keep reading…

Meditation can help eliminate all those negative thoughts and release stress over time.  You will notice it will improve your mood and leave you feeling relaxed. 

Mediation is an ancient practice that can help control your mind and thoughts. I know you have heard the saying 

“ We are what we think about all the time” or

“ What we think we create.”

Sooo….if you haven’t notice by now meditation is the key to creating a healthy lifestyle. A Healthier YOU 🙂 means not just working on what you put in your body but also being able to control your mind. It’s really all about having balance. 

Now let’s get to the good stuff.

Meditation 101

  • The first step begin in a quiet comfortable place and sit or lay in a comfortable position (You might want a pillow to support your back or whatever you might need to make you more comfortable)
  • Set a timer for the amount of time you would like to meditate. 
  • Close your eyes.
  • Start by taking a couple deep breathes in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you exhale try to focus on releasing anything you are holding onto from your day. 
  • Become aware of the thoughts that might arise but try your best to clear your head. 
  • If are you struggling with clearing your thoughts, keep practicing. It’s just like anything new you learn for the first time.  Try starting with a guided meditation. 
  • As you become more comfortable with meditating. Feel free to light a candle or burn incense or essential oils. 

My favorite app for meditation: Insight timer (It’s completely free). And here is what it looks like.  It’s available for androids and iPhones

Once in the app, you can choose guided meditations: Once you click on Explore you can type in any type of meditation or however you are feeling at the moment. You can choose a morning or evening meditation or every more specific like anxiety, grief or depression. 
I option I use, the timer.  I chose the time I would like to meditate under duration and begin.  
As we all know it takes 21 days to build a habit. Try it out for 21 days and let me know how it works for you? 
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  1. Reply

    Elly McGuinness

    There are so many benefits of meditation and so many great apps to help get you started. I must admit it’s a habit that I struggle with but I’m in a good yoga habit so parts of that can achieve a similar effect. Will keep working on the meditation though – have attended a few courses and that has helped me.

    1. Reply


      Great! Thanks for your comment! I agree meditation is amazing and has benefited me so much. Yoga is also great.

  2. Reply


    Its something to do. Only positivity I like it.


    1. Reply


      I agree! Glad you enjoyed the post!

  3. Reply


    I am downloading the Insight Timer app right now! I think this will be quite helpful.

    1. Reply


      Awesome! Hope you enjoy it!

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