Don’t you just love the holiday season?? I love pumpkins and they remind me of the holiday season. Every year I take my son pumpkin picking and we have a lot of fun. Once it’s pumpkin season we know that the holidays are just around the corner. My wonderful 7-year-old son loves to help me in the kitchen especially if I’m baking desert. After pumpkin picking this year, he decided on pumpkin muffins. You can never go wrong with pumpkin muffins....
October 11, 2018
Every kids favorite pumpkin muffins!!

November 7, 2017
November Foods in season!
It’s November already!!! This year has flown by. It’s only 16 days until Thanksgiving. As you begin you plan your meal plans for Thanksgiving. I challenge you to add at least one new fruit or vegetable from foods in season this month to your holiday meal. ...
November 3, 2017
How to turn your hummus dip from BORING to BANGING!!

I love love love hummus!!! It’s my favorite way to eat chickpeas. It’s so versatile. You can eat it with chips or in a wrap. Chickpeas also known as garbanzo beans are amazing because they are high in protein and fiber. They have many health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and promoting healthy blood pressure. This recipe is very easy and quick especially if you use a food processor. This is my favorite food processor that I use...
September 23, 2017
Lazy Mom Guide to a Fabulous Plant-Based Soup!!

Who doesn’t loooovvvee and warm bowl of soup? Especially if it’s cold outside! I know I do!!! Well for the momma’s out there if you super busy with a million things to and you need to make dinner quick! I have the perfect recipe for a delicious mouth-watering soup! I made this soup for my family and it was a winner! Even my 6 year old loved it and even asked for more. Feel free to be creative with this soup...
September 16, 2017
Why I became a vegetarian??

Five years ago, if someone told me I would become a vegetarian, I wouldn’t have believed it. I loved meat my entire life and hot wings were my favorite. I use to think, “what do vegetarians eat anyway” and “why would anyone ever want to become one”? Until, I became one of them. So what caused this drastic change in my life you might ask? Well, one of my favorite sayings is “ Knowledge brings change.” New knowledge is...
September 14, 2017
Fall in love with meditation

How many times do you dwell on one negative thought that happens to you instead of all of the positive things in your life? Do you feel overwhelmed and stress with all the things you have to do in one day? You know the feeling when you are constantly on the go because of our super busy lifestyle. Do you find yourself unhappy, anxious, depressed or angry a lot? Do you feel like it’s not enough time in the day to...
September 10, 2017
What every shopper should know about reading ingredients labels?

Have you ever stopped and taken a look at the ingredient list of a product you buy from the grocery store? You are probably thinking nooo. Ok Ok. I didn’t either until a couple of years ago. Soo… Stop right now and go grab something from your pantry and read it. One of the things you will notice is most of the products have an ingredients list a mile long. You are probably thinking ” What is all that?”...
August 25, 2017
Want to know what oil pulling can do for you???

Do you struggle with bad breath, multiple cavities, bleeding gum or headaches? If you answered yes to any of those. Keep reading… My sister told me about oil pulling a while back and tried it for a while but not on a consistent basis. I know you are wondering “What in the world is oil pulling.” Don’t worry I will give you the 101 scoop. Oil pulling is an ancient holistic dental care practice practiced in Ayurveda medicine...
February 20, 2016
DIY Laundry Detergent

Did you know that many laundry detergents can contain harmful chemicals? These chemicals can cause skin irritation, cancer, respiratory, developmental and reproductive problems. Understanding how to read ingredients in products that are used daily is an important lesson to learn. The motto we use in my household is, “If you read an ingredient and don’t know how to pronounce it or don’t know what it is, don’t buy it.” When using household products, it is important to consider that...